Diploma Over Degrees

Brain Drain is counted among the huge problem in the Nepalese Society. Most Nepali youngsters believe that foreign countries have better opportunities than in Nepal. Have you realized the fact that there are thousands of vacancy notice that go unnoticed? Do you think is it because of the lack of opportunities or lack of skills to fulfill the vacancy criteria. Even though education has bloomed quite well in a few years but Nepal has not been able to produce the quality of skillful manpower in comparison to the number of graduates we have every year. This is because people are most more interested in getting a degree than being able to apply their knowledge into actions. If we could build a culture of getting a course that best suits our interests, also makes it easy to get a job it would be beneficial to every young mind.

If you ask how would choosing a diploma course over Degree could help you elevate your career then here are some information that might guide you take a better decision.

Focuses on practical based knowledge:
Most of the universities courses focus on theory-based knowledge that may not help you achieve the career or position you wish for. While getting a diploma course will help you evaluate the skill you need and at the same time put these skills into actions. In many cases, we have seen the graduates having the subject based knowledge about a certain task not able to perform accordingly in real life while people having practical knowledge can do it easily and efficiently. Moreover, it will give you the confidence to face an interview as you possess all the necessary capabilities to apply and work for the post.

2. Increases the chance of getting hired:
With diploma courses providing you the practical knowledge about the works and ways to do it efficiently can increase the chances of getting hired. Even though there is a number of vacancy notices that match the educational qualification for the applicants, there are very few candidates having the skill set to match the requirement. Research says that more than half of the graduates go through training that would help them get a job they desire.

3. Earn the amount you deserve:
Most of the fresh graduates are compelled to work as trainees as they don’t have the practical knowledge related to the field while people with diploma courses higher chances to get hired for the offered position.

4.Faster course completion:
A diploma can be completed in significantly lesser time. As we know that completion of University degrees require at least 3 years, some can even extend up to 4 – 5 years. But most diplomas can be completed within a year or lesser. Due to the practical nature of diplomas, time requirement of learning and completing assignments will be greatly lessened, allowing you to enter the work field and get the benefits sooner.

5. Lesser fee structure:
Undergraduate degrees course can cost in several Lakhs, whereas diplomas can cost less than half, or even a third of that price. In addition, just like university degrees, diploma courses also have scholarship schemes for deserving candidates for a diploma programme.

6. Flexibility in Learning:
The best thing about vocational education courses is that it can be started at any time of the year because unlike degrees, they don’t have to follow a complex education calendar. Also, while waiting for the next degree intake you might be missing out the opportunity that requires a certain qualification. If timing flexibility is a factor, then a diploma is a better choice to go for.

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